An ethnolinguistic study of the yanesha’ [amuesha] language and speech community in Peru’s andean Amazon, and the traditional role of Ponapnora, a female rite of passage
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An ethnolinguistic study of the yanesha’ [amuesha] language and speech community in Peru’s andean Amazon, and the traditional role of Ponapnora, a female rite of passage
The Yanesha’ language is spoken on the edges of two worlds, the Andes and the Amazon, in southcentral Peru. Ethnolinguistic fieldwork was carried out among the Yanesha’ people in may-august 2008 to learn about their language and the possible factors leading to its endangerment. This thesis examines the unique linguistic features of yanesha and its place within the Arawak language family. It also discusses a puberty ritual that plays an important role in preserving musical and linguistic heritage among Yanesha’ women: the ponapnora female initiation ritual. // La lengua yanesha se habla en la frontera de dos mundos, los Andes y la Amazonia, en el centro del Perú. Se realizó el trabajo de campo etnolingüístico en mayo-agosto de 2008 para estudiar esta lengua y los posibles factores que conducen a su desaparición. Esta memoria se basa en los rasgos característicos de la lengua yanesha y su lugar dentro de la familia lingüística arahuaca. También se analiza la Ponapnora, un ritual de pubertad que juega un papel importante en la preservación del patrimonio musical y lingüístico de las mujeres Yanesha’.
Anna Luisa Daigneault
Montréal [CA] : Université de Montréal
108 p.
Anna Luisa Daigneault, “An ethnolinguistic study of the yanesha’ [amuesha] language and speech community in Peru’s andean Amazon, and the traditional role of Ponapnora, a female rite of passage,”, consulta 16 de febrero de 2025,